drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Major Proof that Drug Abuse Is Abusing Drugs, as well as when the drugs make you do bad things....

The chairman of the Republican National Committee said he was "appalled" by a song called "Barack the Magic Negro" on a CD distributed by one of his political rivals.

"The 2008 election was a wake-up call for Republicans to reach out and bring more people into our party," RNC Chairman Mike Duncan said in a statement reported Saturday afternoon by Politico.

"I am shocked and appalled that anyone would think this is appropriate, as it clearly does not move us in the right direction."

Chip Saltsman sent RNC members the parody CD "We Hate the USA" for Christmas, which includes the controversial tune. He defended his decision Friday, telling CNN the song was clearly intended as a joke.

[ cf RNC chairman condemns controversial Obama song ]
Gosh, Golly, Gee Whiz....

Not since the Height of the HanoiAnnie Coulter's comedy routines about killing americans have we seen that level of high humour...

Besides, if there is anything this nation needs more in the time of the Evil Wall Street Liberals and their main force assault on our White Christian American Values, it is gonna be a majik Negro!!! One with a way to stop those bad people from being bad, and teach the uppity white ones the important lessons of life, so that they can meet and marry the right type of white woman...
Tags: generic_fear

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