drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Pope To Expand Holy War On Capital Gains Tax!!!

Ok, so the EVIL LIBERAL MEDIA once again misunderstood the pope:
A suggestion by Pope Benedict XVI that homosexuality is as much of a threat to the survival of the human race as climate change sparked outrage among gay rights campaigners on Tuesday.
[ cf Gays outraged by pope's 'homophobic attack' ]
Clearly when you understand that ONLY Permenant Capital Gains Tax Cuts can defeat the Gay HomoZeXual Marriage Agendanista, which is the root cause of Global Warming, you understand that the Pope has TRULY come out on the side of Tax Cuts.

The MOST important thing in a time of WhateverOnWhomever...

So WIN WOW NOW, with Permenant Capital Gains Tax Cuts!!!
Tags: generic_fear, religion, ugly_thot

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