drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

got Milk? (The Movie Review)

Ok, first off, can ANYONE seriously say:
Oh yes, a Straight review of Harvey Milk.
and not want to break into Robin William doing "la cage aux folles".
Fosse, Fosse....
I was originally not planning to go see it. I was amused by the KCBS Press the Press Cycle about how DiFi was not planning to go see it, she had been through it, and well, Dan White, well, had issues...

Ok, I guess we all have to come out of the closet sometime. So why not now.

A friend of mine wanted to see it, but she was not sure she could manage the thot of seeing it on her own. So we called out, and then decided we had to go and do the right thing. Because, well, sometimes, you have to just say to yourself, you sometimes just have to do the right thing.

For those of you not old enough to be a part of that historical wonder time, you SOOOO missed some fun time. If you were in the Castro, and can remember anything, well, think about therapy for that issue... As for me, I was, as so often happened in those days, trying to sort out my issues. One of which remains,
Why if americans are so Pro-War?
Why do so few of them show up to be actually counted?
I mean, hello!!! I soooooooooooooooooo do not need some RealHeManManlyMaleMachismoDrivenMaleManlyPerKin trying to impress me with his, ooooooh soooooo Butch "8 inches of blued steel".

I mean, listen her girlfriend - where are your mortars? What HAVE you got for RPG's and ATGMS? Not to mention how exactly were you planning to knock together your ADZ { air defense zone: for those without the Lit background }...

Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against some faggot assed Panty waisted civilian pro-war whiner whining, but, uh, try to at least do that with some sense of elan, and dignity, or at least some of the very serious High Brow Drag Queen Madness!!! { ok, ok, ok, so i have ISSUES with those East Coast Effemete Tight Assed, 'do the vogue' posuer types from out east!!! I mean, yes, we get it. Times are HARD, but you do NOT have to shove a Corn Cob up there to help stiffen up your FashionistaIsms... }

I guess what cranks me over, is the thot that one more of them will go BatWonky, and we will have some new follow on to the "Twinkie Defense", or that they just keep on making up their need to prove that they could have been a great military hero, like Tom DeLay and the rest, if it weren't for the fact that the Government were giving all the good jobs to the Minorities, and Women, and those Types...

Well, why do I give my RavingFaggots some slack? Well it is really simple. I came CONUS, things were what they were, I had some issues, and their attitude was:
In The Closet, Covert Ops, What EVER....
and there were clearly other more important issues on the table... Like what IS your fall back plan if this War Thing doesn't Pan Out???

In short, while americans were still being tooo Patriotically Corrector Than Thou, than was decent, or Proper, there was that safe place I could Go... A place where it was OK to be whom I was. What I was, As I was.... even if it pissed off folks that, "what doooooo you see in THEM?" - Or as I got the crank letter from my favorite Queen, after whining about going to sea with 5,000 of my nearest and dearest Guy Friends.
It sounds like a life style Thing.
So when I got the letter from his fun filled and exciting Sundowner Gay Carribean Cruise, and he was Kvetching that it was like getting stuck in an NYC Dive, and without Cab Service.... I could only send him back:
It sounds like a life style Thing.
When there was the High Madness that there was one more of those Insane Barrack Rumours that I had to be 'gay'... I mean, ok, and that is why????

Well, gosh, as we all know, it seems that the het boys had a Theory about what it meant to be a Real Man. But none of them had ever had a rule set that got them CONUS..... Or understood what it was like to deal with the return CONUS to the "Real War Heroes"... You Remember them, the Great Tom DeLay's... and yeah, let me be a bit crass here about Texas....
I Know where I was that fine fun filled Texas Day, when Saigon finally Fell....
So when they are getting all up about being Patriotic Wheener This and That, and they tell you they are from Texas, just remind them that there are two things come out of Texas, Steers and Queers, and you soooooo do not see no Horns.... Which is my polite way of reminding the so called conservative types, that there was a Whole LOT of real nice God Fearing Folks that day who had so much more important things on their 'to do list' than deal with the final collapse of the War that was only important when they were being more Anti-Anti-War than the next folk...

So what does this have to do with Harvey Milk? And SF? And, well the Movie???

First off, one is 'gay' because one is just not the sort of "het person" that some other RealWarHero[dm] wants to think that majikally you should be... and a few of us get the happy moment to be there when they get to deal with the reality check taking time out for a Quick Round Of Hand Ball, before a Sauna, when the faggot is the first to the arms locker, and is breaking out weapons... At which point, well, gosh... Uh, Maybe...

Yeah, you damn right, straight there.

Uh, Maybe my white ass!

Maybe the more important part of the question is whether or not one has one's Poop In A Group.... Not whether or not one is 'straight enough'....

Where were Dan White's friends? Where was the Het Community when he needed them the most???

Why did they let him go down the tubes, not once, when he wound up shooting folks, but again, when he turned it all on himself...

That's what the Film is really about. IT is about being where you have to be, and trying to get people to be able to take care of themselves, as best as you can....

For Harvey Milk, that meant political theatre. For the Castro, it meant, acting out...

And for the rest of America... Yeah.... and for the rest of america. Remind me again?

Here we are, thirty years on. And the Proposition Number incremented from 6 to 8. And still the whistles are blowing, but is america even listening???

Hum... What if it really IS about taking back our streets. What IF it is about getting people to find their Hope, to find their Bliss, to get passed that need to play act like they are some sort of Straight Version of the Village People, but without any actual talent, or skill, or rhythm....

What if it really is about getting the debate outside of our simple safe place, once we have found a way to put that space together... What IF it is about finding a way to reach across and to get co-ordinated, with, well, uh, Girls... and other types of Them...

What if ultimately one walks out of the Movie Theatre and all one really wants to do is Come Out as a real person. Someone who yes, well, that is true, that is a part of where I have been, what I have done, and.... But let us focus on the core issues about what we as a Country, and a Continent, and a People on one small little planet are going to be able to work with....


Yeah, that Kind of thing.

And, ok, so the mix of documentary footage with current shots, was Fabulous. I mean, it must be very interesting to folks that Ronald Reagan, the great evil liberal, did not support Prop 6.... And NO, the film does not carry on through to when suddenly Anita Bryant figures out that she had been screwed over by the alledged Hets...
Her marriage to Bob Green failed at that time, and in 1980 she divorced him, although he reportedly has said that his fundamentalist religious beliefs do not recognize civil divorce and that she is still his wife in God's eyes. Kathie Lee Gifford, who worked as a live-in secretary/babysitter for the Greens in the early 1970s, said in her autobiography that Green had a ferocious temper and could be very possessive and emotionally abusive, and that Anita was not very happy.

Due to her divorce, many fundamentalist Christians shunned her. No longer invited to appear at their events, she lost a major source of income. With her four children she moved from Miami to Selma, Alabama, and later to Atlanta, Georgia. In a 1980 Ladies Home Journal article she said, "The church needs to wake up and find some way to cope with divorce and women's problems."

[ cf Anita_Bryant ]
So forgive me if I am that impolite to remember the unpleasant parts.

Sunshine had been an advocate for "Anita has her right to speak." And a lot of folks in the community would not know how to work with that effectively. So yes, I still remember you sunshine. Even if, in the time, you were not able to keep it together...

We're gonna hand the game over to the kids some day. No matter what sort of pretentions we have.

So why not work that problem forward? Why not find a way to help Anita find her salvation, even IF her het friends are not at all sure how to be human and kind???

What if Sunshine understood something that we are all still trying to figure out how to work it forward.....

How do we give them hope???? To help them come out of all of the closets that we as a civilized society put together hoping that it will majikally help everyone all just get along...

Yeah. That's what the film is about....

A couple of years. Some Folks. Some Lived. Some Died. Some did what they felt was right...

And if you don't go see it, the terrorists win...

{ ok, if you can't afford it now, then pester a friend, when it is out on DVD/BlueRay/NetFlicks... You know, if you have the heart, there will be a way... }
Tags: gay, movie_review

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