drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

God's Revenge For Evil of No Permenant Capital Gains Tax Cuts!!

A romantic marriage proposal on the Oregon coast turned deadly for the bride-to-be when a wave swept her out to sea.

Police don't suspect foul play in the disappearances Saturday of Leafil Alforque, Tillamook County Sheriff Todd Anderson said. Thick fog and dangerous water conditions off Neskowin Beach hampered the rescue efforts, and the search was called off Monday.
The 45-year-old Silverton man tore off his jacket to get rid of any extra weight, and when he looked up again she was gone.

"That's the last I saw of her," he said Wednesday, breaking into tears.

"I yelled for her," he said. "I was praying to God."

[ cf Would-Be Bride Swept to Sea During Proposal on Oregon Coast ]
What is god's wonderful plan for you life???

Could it be that this is the right time to talk about Permenant Capital Gains Tax Cuts to Stop Gay HomoZeXual Marraiges???

And people wonder why we MUST have a Complete Capital Gains Tax Cut to stop Gay HomoZeXual Marriages!!!!

Clearly if Radical Left Wingers like Ronald "Zap" RayGunn, had supported Prop 6, and had NOT run as the first Openly Divorced Person, clearly living in State Sponsored Adultry, as the Puppet Toady of the Gay HomoZeXual Clique, our Nation would never have embarked upon the Godless SeXularism of the Clearly Failed Evil Liberal Wall Street Pure Capitalism!!!

Thus there can be but one way to Please GOD, so that he does not take Virgins from Ocean Coast Line, and that is a Complete Capital Gains Tax Cut.

It IS what the Troops are Fighting For....
Tags: generic_fear

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