drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Act Now, and Hold Liberals Responsible....

During this critical time in our nation's history, when so much is at stake, when public policy issues are being debated and decided that will affect us for years to come...

Freedom's Watch is doing as much as any group in America to stand up for our conservative values and beliefs.

All across America - from Oregon to Nevada to Colorado to Illinois to Alabama to North Carolina to New Jersey and many more points in between - Freedom's Watch is holding liberals to account for their failed policies.
The effectiveness of Freedom's Watch has been recognized from coast to coast and The Washington Post has even gone so far as to describe them as "the conservative answer to MoveOn.org."
We have a choice at this critical hour. We can fight for conservative ideals. Or we can lose them. I, for one, am ready and willing to fight.

And I'm grateful to Freedom's Watch for being such an effective ally.
Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the
U.S. House of Representatives

( email from eagle@gopusamedia.com , subject: Gingrich: Act Now and Hold Liberals Accountable, We Cannot Afford to Wait! ) [ emphasis in original text ]

Finally, someone willing to end the HORROR of the last how many ever years that the Evil Liberals have had their death grip on america and imposed their RADICAL LEFT WING TREE HUGGER IN CHIEF...

Yes, if you do not do your part to roll the clocks back to when it was a time before the defeatist elements, like Tom "No Retreat, No Surrender" DeLay, and the rest of his left wingers, like Newt Gingrich....

Uh... oh well...

Clearly now more than ever we MUST stop those drug addled canadianists....
Tags: bong_canada, election, war

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