Hum... once upon a time the DOW industrials in the pre-Nixonite Years were working the range betweeen 800 and 1000. Then Komrade Party Leader, the Hippie Dippie, Dope Smoking Peace Freak Nixon, pulled the US out of the Breton Woods agreement, and replaced the old Dollar, with the new dollar.
Everyone knows that if you take a digit of it, the prices look traditional and mainstream. Thus we are looking at Petrol in the $0.28 to $0.33 range, if we were paying for these things in Old Dollars.
Thus one would be at 890.10 in Old DOW.
This of course will help americans understand that the Economic Marvel of the 80's and 90's, well, ok, from 1987 to the Fiscal Collapse of Freedom, has been all about rushing up to the Great Highs of the Nixonite Era...
See, really not that complicated a problem...
can anyone doubt that if we re-elected Nixon, that things would once again get betterer! it worked the last time!!! so clearly it will work more again!!!