drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

But is it a credible threat?

Law enforcement arrested two men in Tennessee who had plans to rob a gun dealer to shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and "as many non-Caucasians" as possible, an official said on Monday.

An official from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said police found the men in the Jackson, Tennessee area with a number of guns, including a sawed-off shotgun, in their car.

"They wanted to go to a place where they could shoot as many non-Caucasian as they could," the official said, noting that the men first planned to rob a gun dealer. "They also had a plot to assassinate Sen. Obama."

Obama, who would be the first black U.S. president, is leading Republican John McCain in opinion polls ahead of the November 4 election.

[ cf Obama assassination plot thwarted ]
Hey kids, would this be a good time to talk about, oh, I don't know, maybe
Christian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of loosely affiliated believers and churches with a racialized theology. Many promote a Eurocentric interpretation of Christianity.

The Christian Identity movement holds that non-Caucasian peoples have no souls, and can therefore never earn God's favor or be saved.[1]

[ cf Christian Identiy ]
or should we just keep the warm fuzzies warm and fuzzy wuzzy...
Tags: election, religion, war

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