drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Karl Rove Draft Dodger Kultur Makes Brilliant Break Through...

mer Goldman is a very pretty girl, slender as a model. Never still and very restless, the expected loss of her freedom fills her with anxiety. For months before she refused to be drafted into the Israel Defence Forces she went to a psychologist every week to prepare for what was to come: incarceration in a cell in a military prison. A narrow cage for a songbird.

I met her several times during September, in an apartment, with other girls who are conscientious objectors. Together they would hand out flyers against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza at the gates of a high school like the one she completed a year ago.

[ cf Conscience of the Israeli spymaster’s daughter ]

What if americans had to live out their actual beliefs???

What if it was more than merely chanting the korrekt Khristian-Zionist Dogma???
Tags: election, religion, war

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