drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Nationalist Front To Win Glorious Military Victory On Eastern Front!!!

Here Comes the Charge of the Nationalist Front!
The government is planning to buy stakes in a wide range of banks within weeks as the credit freeze increasingly threatens to tip the U.S. economy into a deep recession.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and top aides are still considering options on how the purchases would work, including having the government acquire preferred stock, two officials informed of the matter said.

The move would be a shift in emphasis in Paulson's original intention for the $700 billion bailout package passed by Congress last week. While the Treasury still aims to buy troubled mortgage-backed securities from financial institutions, a direct capital injection would offer more immediate relief.

[ cf U.S. Treasury May Buy Stakes in Banks Within Weeks (Update1) ]

When the Nationalists Front owns the various banking industry elements, and mandates that as a Major Share Holder, that it would be in the Interest of NATIONAL SECURITY that certain ACTUAL REAL WORLD ACCOUNTING STANDARDS be upheld as a part of the 'cost of doing bizniz' - will this be a better fix, than say simply having governmental regulatory oversight????

Clearly The GREAT MILITARY VICTORY is victorious....

Could it be that this victory of the Great War Lord, is a greater victory than any of the others???
Tags: economics, election, war

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