Consumer borrowing fell in August for the first time in more than a decade as U.S. households, battered by rising job layoffs and the decaying economy, cut back sharply on their use of credit.Just because the GDI numbers were negative, for a couple of quarters doesn't mean that the economy was anything but Greatly Robust And Glorious!!!
The Federal Reserve said Tuesday that consumer borrowing fell at an annual rate of 3.7 percent in August, before the financial crisis became acute in September, forcing the government to approve a $700 billion rescue of the financial industry.
[ cf US consumer borrowing falls for the first time since January 1998 ]
In Related News, The Miracle Of Canada shows that Moral Purity Is Pure
Toronto police patrolled a midtown area overnight, after vandals cut brake lines on at least 10 cars parked at homes with Liberal election signs on their lawns.Well, there you have it, more clear and compelling PROOF that God is striking back at the Gay HomoZeXual Pirate Al-Qaeda Cyborg Iranian Flying Saucer Zombie Marriage Agenda Items of Atilla The Eskimo who have been threatening the family values of The MooseLady!!!
[ cf Oh Canada ]
You know, there are GOD HATING AMERICA BASHERS who want to believe the DOW is below 10K, simply because they hate the Guacamole, and are not willing to support The President To Support The Troops....