drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Future Attribute Screening Technology To Protect Us From UnThot!!!

Once again the godless liberals who hate freedom are looking at the unThot as a form of restorable construct, when they are merely being double plus ungood in their prolthink:
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is making quick progress on its Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) or Project Hostile Intent as it was called originally, which is designed to detect hostile thoughts, or thought crime as it's known in Orwellian-speak.
[ cf US Homeland Security FAST Becoming Thought Police }
But if you look at the actual grafix, it is clear that the HateAmericaGodlessOne has the unamerican unThot, and must be protected from their unThot before they can be unkind to themselves!!!!

Clearly as more and more americans are protected from their unThots, they too will be protected from being unkind to themselves!!!!

This is why all americans Praise Great Leader for protecting us from the threat of electioneering, and the politics of unThot!!!!

All Hail RoboBushCheneyParis!!!
They Shiney!!!
and fashionably fashionable with the new IngSoc 11th edition....

Remember, if you are having unThot, miniTrue can free you from the evils.
Tags: geek_stuff, religion, war

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