Rick Davis, the campaign manager for Sen. John McCain, issued a statement Wednesday afternoon condemning the incident.WOW...
"This is a shocking invasion of the Governor's privacy and a violation of law," Davis said. "The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these e-mails will destroy them. We will have no further comment."
[ cf Palin's Yahoo! Account Hacked ]
What next? Women really have a right to privacy??? that there is something like a constitutional right to privacy????
Where will this sort of Radical Left Wing Extremism go???
Andrée McLeod, the activist who filed the FOIA request, said Wednesday evening that Palin should have known better than to conduct state business using an unsecured e-mail account.Oh, there may be more than one simplistic issue here....
"If this woman is so careless as to conduct state business on a private e-mail account that has been hacked into, what in the world is she going to do when she has access to information that is vital to our national security interests?" she asked.
( op cit )
What if one were suppose to be engaged in OPSEC, you know, to protect our troops in the field....
Or is that whole thing about the Special Military Olympics going to add the new and improved Monkey Business to this Gary Hart Moment...
Thank GOD we have RoboBushCheneyParis!!!
They Shiney!!!
and fashionably fashionable....
and not trying to worry about their lipstick politics...