drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why do Radical Left Wing Liberals On Wall Street Hate Freedom?

I was just shocked to read:
tocks plummeted Thursday, with the Dow plunging around 345 points as mixed retail sales, lower oil prices and dour labor market readings amplified worries about a global economic slowdown.

The concerns overshadowed a better-than-expected sales report from Wal-Mart Stores and surprisingly strong readings on productivity and the services sector.

The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) lost 345 points, or 3%. It was the fourth-biggest one-day decline on a point basis this year and the third-worst day on a percentage basis.

[ cf Brutal selloff on Wall Street ]
God, why are they stabbing our troops in the back?

Don't they know that McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton?

Don't they understand that our troops are everywhere being ever more gloriously victorious?
Tags: economics, war

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