The Bible's history and literature will be required to be taught in public schools in Texas under a new law that has been clarified by the state attorney general to mean exactly what it says.So the state of Texas will be engaged in Persecuting True Believers by teaching the bible as mere literature, and not as the one True and ONLY King James Bible that jesus used?
"This is a huge victory for the people of Texas and, I think, for people across the country for academic freedom," said Jonathan Saenz, a lawyer for Liberty Legal. "There are 1,300 references to the Bible in the works of Shakespeare alone. Over 60 percent of the allusions studied in [advanced placement] English come from the Bible. Students are going to be better academically and culturally when they hear about the Bible."
And Chisum said the legislature specifically addressed the Bible, not the Quran or any other religious writing, because "the Bible as a text … has historical and literary value."
"It can't go off into other religious philosophies because then it would be teaching religion, when the course is meant to teach literature," he said.
[ cf Texas to teachers: Bible will be taught ]
Now don't get me wrong here, I think it is a Lovely Ideal that the Godless Apostate America Bashing HEATHEN are going to be cramming some God Forsaken SIN DRIVEN ModernSeXular Humanist interpretation upon GOD's One True and Only White Christian Americans, but... that could be a bad thing...