drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Winning On The Eastern Front

Moscow has issued an extraordinary warning to the West that military assistance to Georgia for use against South Ossetia or Abkhazia would be viewed as a "declaration of war" by Russia.

The extreme rhetoric from the Kremlin's envoy to NATO came as President Dmitry Medvedev stressed he will make a military response to US missile defence installations in eastern Europe, sending new shudders across countries whose people were once blighted by the Iron Curtain.

[ cf Military help for Georgia is a 'declaration of war', says Moscow in extraordinary warning to the West ]
A the smell of Totally Glorious Victorious Mission AccomplishedNeff!!!

Now we will show those Islamo-Fascist-Zionist-Communist that we are not afraid of their Evil Liberalism!!!

God has given Us RoboBushCheneyParis!!!
They Shiney!!!
and fashionably fashionable!!!

And they will crush the unbelievers!!!

It is what the troops will be fighting for, for the next 100 plus years!!!
Tags: war

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