drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,


... some times having web access is a bad thing...

p1: learned that I have only 500Meg in my laptop...

p2: found that I could put two gig in it for the size of a bar tab...

p3: need to find the right person to get drunk and upgrade my hardware...

and then there was the shorter simpler fix, found out where the the Junk Mail Like File Thingie pooh was.

Googled on this file, found out that the traditional fix is, move that to Foo.old and restart the app and of cource if that solves the problem then delete the *.old files....

yup, restarted the app, looked at the new file an it is merely an order of magnitude smaller.

STILL think I need to upgrade the lap top...
Tags: geek_stuff

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