Recently one unhappy person needed a flensing from an emotionally traumatizing failure to cope, and called the The Cleaners who gave us:
Nearly two years after anthrax-spore mailings killed five people and sickened 17 others, Army scientist Bruce E. Ivins accepted the Defense Department's highest honor for civilian performance for helping to resurrect a controversial vaccine that could protect against the deadly bacteria.Well, now that is professionalism.
Now, Ivins, 62, who the state chief medical examiner said died this week by suicide, is being implicated in a crime that has ranked as one of the FBI's biggest unsolved mysteries and most baffling technical cases. The shy, socially awkward anthrax scientist was on the verge of indictment in the anthrax-spore mailings case, according to officials familiar with the investigation, and killed himself with a drug overdose as the FBI ratcheted up the pressure against him.
[ cf Anthrax Suspect Known for Quiet Research, Odd Behavior ]
Not so much as a word about how coincidentially coincidental it is that after shelling out millions in legalized hush money to cover persecuting the wrong White Christian American, now a Sainted One becomes the symbol of why those types of people SHOULD have accepted Dubya as their personal lord and savior so that they would find peace in the afterlife and not become the fall guy....
Or are we suppose to be even more excited since if we deconstruct the evil liberal media code words, we quickly figure out that they were engaged in a drug regimine of information extraction, and the information container was discovered to have been defective and unable to retain it's original shape under stressful information gathering methods.
Thank GOD!!! We have RoboBushCheney!!!
They Shiney!!!
They will keep the Iranian Flying Saucers from being evil torture devices and liberal media to america!!!
It's what the troops are fighting for....