drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Divorce To Be Outlawed!!!

As activists continue to force their radical social agenda upon America through the courts, voters in Arizona, Florida, and California will have the opportunity to protect the future of marriage for their kids at the ballot box this November.

In California, voters successfully delivered over 1.1 million signatures to place a marriage amendment on the ballot. But the very same radical activists who sued in court to strike down the common-sense definition of marriage are now suing to stop voters from exercising their democratic rights at the ballot box this November.

( email from info@allianceformarriage.net )
Oh, hold it, they are not trying to end Divorce to protect a notion of marriage, they want to ... re-win the correct ruling of Loving v. Virginia (1967) because those evil liberals did not accept the Divine Will Of GOD as expressed in the Divinity of Dubya....

Why is it, when we are getting all anti-gay marriage folks are afraid to step up to the plate and admit that the really MORALLY OFFENSIVE PART remain that the rich can incorporate and therefore hire their reserve and emergency wives and concubines and get a reasonable enough tax write off on their maintenance as a part of the over all tax law....

While POOR PEOPLE - remember the new race that is being persecuted by evil racist rich white elitist racists like Obama and friends - are Repressed by the HORROR of repressive governmental intervention into the market place that allows them to only write off the first wife!!!

Now more than EVER we NEED RoboBushCheny!!!
They Shiney!!!

They bring the Tax Cuts!!! Tax Cuts!!! Tax Cuts!!!

It is what our troops are fighting for!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, economics, religion, war

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