drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Geeks Do NOT understand the Divine Will!

Hence We MUST win the War On Geeks!!! Until all of the Unbelievers Have Been STOPPED!!!
The U.S. military is shifting $32 million away from its premiere research agency -- because that agency, Darpa, can't find enough qualified people to run its cutting-edge projects.

A Pentagon "reprogramming action," obtained by DANGER ROOM, takes the cash from Darpa to "fund higher priorities within the Department" -- including "infrastructure to prevent IT security breaches." That money is available, the document adds, because the agency "continues to underexecute its Research, Development, Test and Evaluation programs."

[ cf Darpa Brain Drain Costs Agency $32 Million ]

But did anyone listen when they could!!!

That there IS a clear and compelling NATIONAL SECURITY INTEREST in limiting access to military grade mathemantics, and military grade fire, to only those who have SHOWN their TRUE LOYALTY to Great Leader!!!

Are YOU doing YOUR part to stop Geek Culture Before Geek Culture Stops You!!!!

Thank GOD we have RoboBushCheney!
They Shiney!!!

They do not need no First Order Predicate Logic!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, education, religion, war

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