drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Are YOU supporting The President To Support The Troops.

Hey kids, it is blast from the past time
I read this interview with a returned medical corpsman many months back, but the "loyalty oath" issue makes it even more relevant today. We need to raise this issue, because it points out a key character flaw with Bush -- he's scared of half of America.

Remember Bush's Thanksgiving photo-op in Iraq, with soldiers cheering him as he presented turkee? Guess what, that crowd was screened too. Democrat soldiers don't count for much in Bush's military:

[ cf Bush requires loyalty oath even from soldiers ]

What if we were to have an election in 2008, should the civilians be allowed to back just any old tom, dick or harry, simply because their so called civilian political parties want to run some civilian for the office of War President in a time of transferring the tax liabilities unto the unborn baby UBU!!!

Or are the defeatist cut and runner appeasers really trying to say that Majikally Americans should be allowed to shift their personal loyalty to just any old War Czar???

I mean, what about their Loyalty Oaths!!!

Thank GOD we have RoboBushCheney
They Shiney!!!

They KNOW whom they are Loyal to....
Tags: bushcheney2008, war

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