McCain Rocking Out to "Dancing Queen".{ as if you want to get that image out of the back of your mind. }
But there is also this piece about him hating freedom and not wanting to return to the glory days of Saturday Night Fever. It is as if this young man just hates america, and the Hey Days of the Happy Days when the Valiant WAR HEROES who had served with the Karl Rove Armoured Flying Saucer Korp were fresh home from defeating Mihn The Merciless, Master of the Demonic Vietnamese Flying Saucers Of FEAR!!!!
Thank GOD we have RoboBushCheney!
They Shiney!!!
They Understand The Importance of KulturKampf in protecting our White Christian America from Ferrign Devils and persons with Ferrign Devil Sounding Names who Hate Freedom and want to Destroy Our White Christian America!!!