drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Speaking Of The Evils Of The Welfare Statist Revisionists

and the puppet toadies who do not support the War Winning Heroics of The Karl Rove Armoured Flying Saucer Korp and their Black Water Army consultants, clearly we must irradicate these unbelieves sinc:
Advance socialist consciousness, practice combat training.
Can there be any doubt that these Nixonite Revisionist Reactionaries are obvious Red Hollywood Elitists who oppose the True War Heroes in their sloven kapitulationism to the Reactionary Red Doggeral!!!

Thank GOD we have RoboBushCheney!
They Shiney!!!

They not support Pinko Veterans Kliques of Reactionary Revisionist Deviationalists!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, war

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