drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Oh dear... things are thingie again...

Another one of my Radical Left WING Extremist God Hating America Bashers forwarded the HORROR:
Prove me wrong, pal, prove me wrong.

On a more positive note, I want to congratulate Republicans on finally coming up with one (albeit inexplicable) smear against Obama that isn't just codespeak or awkward polite-company placeholder for "he's black. Scary!"

[ cf It's The First Non-Race-Baiting Smear of The Campaign Season! Congratulations, GOP! ]
Oh Please!!! ReRead Tom "No Retreat No Surrender" DeLay's Quote, AGAIN:
“I have said publicly, and I will again, that unless he proves me wrong, he is a Marxist,”
[ cf DeLay On Obama: ‘Unless He Proves Me Wrong, He Is A Marxist’» ]
Think For A MOMENT!!!

Marxist is the new Rich White Elitist Guy!!!

It's all Racialist Code Wording!!! By the RINO Rave Dancers!!!

God Liberals are so dumb!!!

That's why we have RoboBushCheney!!!
They Shiney!!!

They never worry about proving anything, even to get a conviction...
Tags: bushcheney2008, war

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