drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Britain, the New Terrorist Hot Bed!!!

Are YOU shocked that radical left wing pro-dunkin donut's munching Gertie The Gay HomoZeXual Pirate Zombie Evil Golf Cart Gollom, has destroyed the freedom of Great Britain, as they propose to limit the super secret powers of the state to hold persons for any integer number of days:
Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, set out a new concession on Tuesday to woo Labour's terrorism law rebels, insisting that powers to detain suspects for up to 42 days would only ever be used in the most exceptional of circumstances.
[ cf Terror law: Jacqui Smith sets concession for Labour rebels (emphasis mine) ]
You don't see that type of kapitulationist appeaser cut and runnerism here in America!!!

Where americans believe in the President's right to detain anyone, and to torture anyone, for any reason, and for any amount of Time!!!

Americans understand that in a time of transferring the tax liabilities unto the unborn baby UBU that Jesus has given extra special dispensations for both Tax Cuts and the Right To Torture!!!

Since we are in a time of transferring the tax liabilities!!! and we know the full on Horror of the Persian Pedal Powered pGay pHomoZeXual Pirate pZombie pEvil pGolf pCart Phlying pSaucers pOf Phear!!! We remember how the President Lead the FREE WORLD to install the very virus programme he had personally written to Make The Whole World Free From PHEAR!!!! We have not forgotten 9/11/2001 and how that justifies anything, and everything, that has to do with the need for More Tax Cuts!!!

Clearly We MUST Free The Sh*T out of Canada to keep america safe from the growing terrorist threat of britian as it goes all limp wristedly soft of Evil Doing Evil Doers!!!



Do you want the Gay HomoZeXual Terrorists to destroy our white christian america????

That's why God Gave US RoboBushCheney!!!
They Shiney!!!

They not soft of Global IkkyYukkyPoohPerIsms...
Tags: bushcheney2008, torture, war, war_crimes

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