It was the calm before the storm. Brokers were sitting at their desks in silence, watching the clock. The market was going to open in minutes, and huge volume orders would start pouring in. The developers working for the firm – a mid-size proprietary trading outfit on Wall Street – were already busy; an order from the previous day should’ve expired automatically, but didn’t. It was manually fixed moments after it was discovered.All Hail The Great Victory Of The Free Marketeering!!!
“Huh,” Daniil shrugged, “I wonder if this has anything to do with the latest release.” They’d just rolled out a minor update to their proprietary trading system. Daniil had overheard his boss barking at a junior developer that they needed the feature in two days – testing, review, standard processes be damned. “Done” had a higher priority than “working.” Any objections raised by the developers were met with the same reaction you’d get from a dog after explaining the Pythagorean Theorem – blank, drooling faces.
[ cf Deploy! Deploy! Deploy! ]
For Lo We Have RoboBushCheney!!!!
They Shiney!!!!
They not bogged down in functionality!!!
Would this be a bad time to talk about the persons who were the architect of ThatIraqiThingiePooh???
Or would that be way too obvious?