drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Reasons To Stop Number Theory!!!

The Godless UnBeleivers are Unbelivable in how much they are unwilling to accept:
Number Theory is just a Theory!!!
It is NOT a Fact
Can you find a better reason to bong canada!!!
Riding motorcycles is so last century. In the future, according to art student Jake Loniak, people will be wearing motorcycles. This concept vehicle endorsed by Yamaha turns biomechatronics into reality: the vertical ride has 36 pneumatic muscles and two linear actuators. It also has a built-in helmet, a motor in the central wheel, and runs on nano-phosphate batteries.
[ cf Wearable Robots ]
Click on through to see a really scary image of the HORROR of it all!!!

Thank God we have RoboBushCheney
They Shiney!!

They Know Numbers are Numerological and should not be left laying around where they can be found by INNOCENT CHILDREN!!!

Tags: bong_canada, bushcheney2008, geek_stuff

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