drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why We MUST stop the Evil Racist Liberals

Mad Props to tomscud for The truth about hoboes where we learn the trooth:
"From his hover-yacht in the Caspian Sea, President Hoover tried to reassure the panicked nation, explaining that only foreigners and the mentally feeble would suffer."


Now more than EVER we must have RoboBushCheney
They Shiney!!!

As only they can free us from the HORROR of the Hobo!!!

{ would this be a bad time to talk about the hobo's who caused the so called Bonus March back in 1932, when the Evil Racist Liberals tried to pretend that Paying The Veteran's Bonus was some sort of Patriotic Way to be More EVIL against the Poor!!! Or should we leave that for another time... }
Tags: bushcheney2008, war

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