drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Defeating the Defeatist Phorces of UnderGood!!!!

Hey kids, you will so love the fun of
1. In Seattle, a fifty-six-year old man died last Thursday after being refused a liver transplant because he had followed his doctor’s recommendation to use marijuana to ease the symptoms of hepatitis C.
3. Two years ago, a large-scale study by Dr. Donald Tashkin, of U.C.L.A., a pulmonologist whose previous studies of marijuana had been used by drug-enforcement authorities to support their view that pot is dangerous, ...
Tashkin concluded that his and other studies “do not support the concept that regular smoking of marijuana leads to COPD [Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease].”
[ cf Drug-War Bulletins ]
Now MORE Than Ever!!!

Americans MUST support the War On Golf!!!

Anything Less and the Terrorists WIN!!!!

Our Motto Must Become
Use Science,
Go To Jail!!!

It IS The Divine Will!
All Hail Great Leader!!! For Great Leader Is Great!!!!

Which is why We have RoboBushCheney!!!
They Shiney!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, religion, war

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