drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Reasons to Defeat the Evil Princess Sparkle Pony Golf Team!!!!

Shock! I was just SHOCKED to hear that the evil liberal media meat puppet have aligned with left wing extremists
Iraq's most powerful Sunni Arab political party on Monday said a U.S. soldier's desecration of the Quran, the Muslim holy book, requires the "severest of punishments," not just an apology and a military reassignment.

The Iraqi Islamic Party, the movement of Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, condemned what it said was a "blatant assault on the sanctities of Muslims all over the world."

An American staff sergeant who was a sniper section leader used a Quran for target practice on May 9.

The U.S. commander in Baghdad on Saturday issued a formal apology and read a letter of apology from the shooter.

[ cf Iraq party: Punish U.S. soldier who shot at Quran ]
Can there be any doubt that ONLY The Evil Princess Sparkle Pony Golf Team could ever have been behind the SINISTER PLOT to make it appear that not only would an Actual Real American General would side with the Godless Heathen, as a part of the liberal war on white christian america, but that the Iraqi Government would be anything but pleased as punch that our valiant fighting forces are everyday bringing more Glorious Mission Accomplished Dancing to their Freedom Sectors of SurgeTasticalism!!!

What ever will we do to stop the Evil Liberal Media that is once again Stabbing Our Troops in the back by not supporting the president to support the Troops!!!!

Thank GOD!!!! Americans can trust RoboBushCheney
They Shiney!!!

Anything else and the Evil Princess Sparkle Pony Golf Team will want to play on through!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, religion, war

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