drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Oh MY GOD!!! They Drafted Phred....

Hey kids, remember the fun of May 15th, 1973 - ah yes, worst part of that joke came back to me after having been out of the Culture Of IkkyYukkyPoohPerIsms stopping the Red Hordes, and wound up picking up Pape's Lovely Pedantic little Fun Loving Marvel Bombing To Win and I had to regroup it, because, well, yes, Pedantic Puppet Toadies of The Academic Word talk like that...

Oh My GOD!!!
Those Stinking Yellow Fairies!!!
They Drafted Phred!!!
we can only hope that those not old enough to remember the HORRORS of the evil liberal culture from the time before the post-post-911 world will be able to reach back, through the Way Back Machine, and remember that was what it was like when Karl Rove Roamed The Lands, with the Glorious Military Victories of The Armoured Flying Saucer Korp!!!

Are YOU doing YOUR part to Stop TheyThemThoseTypes, Inc.???

Are YOU supporting RoboBushCheney
They Shiney???

Or are you just wrong???
Tags: bushcheney2008, war

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