Nearly two dozen federal agents yesterday raided the Washington headquarters of the agency that protects government whistle-blowers, as part of an intensifying criminal investigation of its leader, who is fighting allegations of improper political bias and obstruction of justice.But This Just In
Bloch, who was nominated to his post by President Bush in 2003, is the principal official responsible for protecting federal employees from reprisals for complaints about waste and fraud. He also polices violations of Hatch Act prohibitions on political activities in federal offices.
[ cf Federal Agents Raid Office of Special Counsel ]
Shellshocked House Republicans got warnings from leaders past and present Tuesday: Your party’s message isn’t good enough to prevent disaster in November, and neither is the NRCC’s money.Well!!! There You Have IT!!!
[ cf GOP Leaders Warn Of Election Disaster ]
The Attack of the RINO's has lead to the Destruction Of Our White Christian America!!!
NOW more than EVER!!! All True Americans want RoboBushCheney
They Shiney!!!
Anything Less and the Demonic Forces KILL Princesse Sparklee Poney!!!
Would this be a good time to talk about accepting Dubya as YOUR personal lord and savior?