drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Happy Days Are Hear Again...

Finally someone willing to step up to the plate and talk about setting a time table for evacuation from Iraq:
During the course of the Iraq War, John McCain has been steadfast in insisting that the length of the American occupation in Iraq isn’t important. He even said that a hundred years would be “fine with me.” McCain’s infamous “100 years” comment was not an isolated incident—it was part of a consistent message. His language begs the question John McCain, when will the troops come home?
[ cf McCain's Century Of War ( emphasis mine, to help the slow readers. ) ]
Ok, so maybe he did jump the shark here.

Maybe a mere century of Totally Mission Accomplished is just not going to be enough time to be more Totally Gloriously Victorious, but.....

At least I think it opens up a clear and compelling argument that McCain is just one more of the Cut And Runner Kapitulationist Appeasers who is stabbing our troops in the back by even being willing to talk time tables for leaving!!!!


All True Americans Want RoboBushCheney
They Shiney!!!

Anything ELSE is appeasing the Terrorists!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, war

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