drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why the run for the border...

The treaty also permits Mexico to refuse to extradite anyone facing capital charges; to get Corporal Laurean back, American prosecutors may have to promise not to seek the death penalty in his case, a politically fraught step to take considering the nature of the crime he is charged with. It would be even tougher under a treaty interpretation that Mexico followed for a while earlier this decade, which also frowned on potential life sentences, but the country’s supreme court struck that down in 2005.
[ cf No Refuge in Mexico for Fugitive Marine ]
Will this still be workable???

Is there really enough law left in america to uphold the extradition rules???

Or will we get a chance to show the world that we do not even honor our own word, and hence will opt to have this Marine executed, because, well, in a time of transferring the tax liabilities unto the unborn baby unicorn, we have to maintain The Mythology Of The Holy Crusader.

Oh dear me....

What ever will americans do without the Whatever Against WHOMEVER!!! and our advanced holy forms of the holy ways that we divinely support the true faith about why killing theirs is more holy, because we have RoboBushCheney.
They Shiney!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, law, war

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