drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why Do The Supremes Hate UBU!!!!

I was shocked!!! Shocked I Mean, to learn that the Supreme's Had Sides with The BAD PEOPLE:
The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower court ruling that the F.B.I. went too far in searching the office of Representative William J. Jefferson, a Louisiana Democrat accused of using his position to promote business deals in Africa.

Without comment, the justices declined to review a ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which concluded last August that agents had violated the Constitution by the methods it used in the May 2006 search.

The appeals court did not find that the raid itself was unconstitutional; rather, it found that the F.B.I. violated constitutional separation of powers by allowing agents to look freely through Congressional files for incriminating evidence.

[ cf Justices Let Stand Ruling on Illegal F.B.I. Search ]

It's tantamount to openly advertising to all of the Evil Doers that they can come and destroy america because we will stop our freedom fighters from fighting for freedom!!!!

Clearly today limiting the Use Of The Secret Police!!!

Tomorrow The God Haters EVERYWHERE!!!!!

Now more than ever americans NEEED RoboBushCheney!
They Shiney!!!!

They not bogged down by law stuff in a time of Transferring the tax liabilities unto the Unborn Baby Unicorn!
Tags: bushcheney2008, law, war

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