She is trying to write her page/text_msg/MSM to the on duty medico, and she is aware that she is trying to do the best available job she can. Even though she is not trying to be hip enough. I on the other hand, well, I just want the meds.
Today's Motivating Statement:
We solve this by nightfall.Providing a proper context always helps properly motivate persons and technology. And besides, I have seen techs come and techs go, and I really lack the ability to be impressed by the vagaries.
Or i start drinking the blood of the first available Human.
As I drive off to dana street, as we SOOOOO need beans, without which we start harvesting the souls of unborn persons right out of the backs of their potential progenators, the fun fone says, "hello, there is a nice earthling on the line", and I ask the nice car to connect the call. It is nice to have meaningful social dialogs with one's transport. It makes the weekends a little easier to live.
And now. Now I get the synthivoice indicating that in agreement with prevoious call, the meds are ready.
Oh well.
Out there, some human will be looking for fun on a saturday night. Totally unware that they may well make morningtide, blessed by the marvels of modern technology, that helped keep all of their blood inside of their funky little organ sack.
These sorts of things happen.