drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Brutal Exess Over Regulation Of The Free Market!!!

A Florida company hired by the Pentagon to supply ammunition to Afghan soldiers sent the troops Chinese gun cartridges that were more than 40 years old, the U.S. military said in documents obtained by Reuters.

The U.S. Army has suspended the contractor, AEY Inc. of Miami Beach, from all federal contracting work. The U.S. government also has started an investigation into privately held AEY, its president and the ammunition contract.

According to Army documents, AEY and its president, Efraim Diveroli, 22, appear to have knowingly misled the military when they said last year that the ammunition supplied was manufactured in Hungary between 1965 and 1975.
If true, AEY would have violated U.S. law that prohibits the acquisition of munitions from Chinese military companies.

[ cf U.S. military suspends Afghanistan ammunition deal (emphasis mine) ]
We're In a Time of Transferring the tax liabilities unto the unborn baby unicorns!!!!

HELLO EVIL LIBERAL DRAFT DODGING HIPPIE EXCESS GOVERNMENTAL REGULATORS OF THE FREE ECONOMY, in uh, uh, army.com, yeah, army.com, where the draft dodging hippies go when they can not get into the Karl Rove Armoured Flying Saucer Corp, or the Blackwater Army....

Yeah, those welfare queens.....

Stop Being NotShiney!!!!

Join the Team!!! Come On In For The Big Win!!!!


They Shiney!!!
Tags: bushcheney2008, economics, war

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