OTSEGO, MI—While she may not be making the nightly news or gracing the covers of Time and Newsweek, 46-year-old nursing-home worker Barbara Louise Huxley is a dedicated, ruthless killer. But in today's male-dominated world of remorseless slaughter, Huxley has been forced to murder twice as many innocent victims just to gain the public exposure and foster the widespread panic her male counterparts routinely enjoy.Go TEAM America!!!!
[ cf Female Serial Killer Has To Work Twice As Hard To Achieve Notoriety ]
Clearly these types of Victories against the Moral Perversions of Degenerate God Hating Liberalism are not being hailed as the total victories against evil that they are!!!!! Just MORE clear and compelling proof that the evil liberal media is the Puppety Toadies of CryptoIslamoFascism and the Spawn of Red Fellow Travellors!!!!
Now more than ever americans must Rally For Total Victory, and vote BushCheney2008 to prevent the Red Hordes from trying to come back!!!!