US Congress Begins Recess Without Sending Bush Wiretap BillOh ME!!! Oh My!!!!
Oh, wait a minute.
Why exactly are the DEFEATISTS at the voice of america implying that the president would in any way be detured from torturing americans, simply because congress had not passed a bill indemnifying the Corporations Hired to torture the unbelievers????
I mean, do these DEFEATIST GOD HATERS at the voice of america not understand that the president has extra additional special powers that are granted in the super secret codical!!!!
Clearly that headline should have read:
Defeatist Kapitulationist Appeaser Kut and Runners In Congress Stabbing Troops In The Back By Failing To Expand and Enhance the National Right To Torture Initiatives that would make it TOTALLY CLEAR to everyone in america that the President has always had the special powers under the super secret codicals of the correct interpretation of the ConstitionBut did they do that????
Did they do their Patriotic DUTY to support the president to support the troops?
This is why all true americans support BushCheney2008, because some one has to stop the radical extremists in the Evil Liberal Media....