drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Reading Skills Help For The Godless

Hello boys and girls, I thought I would help you, if you read This Just In: Bush Administration Screwed Up Iraq War Planning.

The Rand Corporation, who is cited as having done a study of the policy position enhancement features since 2005, IS a well known Puppet Stooge of International Godless Communism, bent upon the destruction of our white christian america with their atheistic evil!!!

As such, any God Hating America Bashing Radical Left Wing Extremist Communist Front Organization that is clearly outside of Main Stream America is in no position to be presenting anything other than the Red Communist Propoganda of the International Kommunist Konspirakii, and the Dominoes that are about to fall, if americans allow these defeatists a chance to spread their Red Filth.

They ARE EVIL!!! and are subliminally advocating their Gay Marriage Only Agenda as a secret subtext of their Hate America Propoganda. So DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!!!

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