Several studies have intimated it, but two blockbusters published in the lofty journal "Science" yesterday confirm that biofuels cause more emissions than fossil fuels when everything is taken into account.and yes, if you read all of the words, they point out that if BioFuels are created from waste products that is a different matter all together.
[ cf More Bad News for Biofuels: They Raise Greenhouse Gases ]
But I mean who needs to read all of those words about technical and scientific stuff?
I mean really!?! I mean who needs all of those words?
Why not just get out in front of this problem and point out as we have always said, that if people are not willing to support BushCheney2008, then they are just Waste Voters and should be recycled for their BioFuels.
I mean, like Duh!!! You don't have to pimp out the president's pet puppy to understand how important such a simple patriotic solution would be to solving all of the global problems!!!
Besides, who needs any more waste voters filling up land fills any way? I mean why not put them to some useful purpose in a time of transfering the tax liabilities unto the unborn....