But what I must confess keeps me giggling, besides all of the comedic fun of usual perlish models about data flow and information abstraction - YES!!! using a reference of going over to the dark side WORKS WELL, since we all know that there are some code we have all written with BIG SCARY COMMENT BARS:
BEYOND HERE THERE BE SMELLY THINGS!!!!You know those sorts of,
Proceed at your own risk, we warned you,
and if you wind up in a Software Development Remake ofPan's LabyrithYOU SHOULD FEEL LUCK!!!!
We were expecting that you would become the munchies of Cthulhu!!!!
Wrote The Code.that makes clear that one knows the fine line between good coding standards and the things they pay us to do under the cover of darkness and forebodding beast creatures ripping the flesh off of marketing droids, and sucking out their Precious Bodily Fluids....
Tested The Code.
Checked It Into The Production Code Line....
Hum... And the down side there was what again???
Anyway, it is soooo much fun reading it now, after folks have put some distance between the original holy wars about software stuff, and the wonder of it alll... What can I say, it is fun to find that some things I did not like have now been officially listed as NOT GOODER....
Who knows, maybe mandating sacrificing a marketting droid to a lesser elder god, as a part of the software development cycle might actually improve the overall performance model, eh no???
Is this the part where I should feel guilty about not commenting that I hope the next person who has to maintain that part of the code gets to be the little girl in Pan's Labyrith??? Or would that be a plot spoiler and simply overly optomistic?