Researchers have identified specific differences in the brains of migraine sufferers linked to the processing of sensory information, including pain.Well that is a nice step forward....
In earlier research, Harvard Medical School investigators used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to show structural differences between the brains of people with and without migraines.
Specifically, the imaging showed thickening in a specific area of the brain related to the communication of sensory processing called the somatosensory cortex (SSC).
It is not clear if migraines cause the brain changes or if the brain differences cause migraines, researcher Nouchine Hadjikhani, MD, of the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital tells WebMD.
[ cf Migraine Sufferers Have Different Brains ]
Who knows, it may lead to other solutions, assuming that God Wills It!!!!
Otherwise this is just more of the same old evil liberal plot to stab our troops in the back because of the failure to accept the argument from divine comedy!!!!