drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

What Is God's Wonderful Plan Here?

Clearly we should all be wondering, given:
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed on Thursday reducing the flow of water from Georgia rivers into Alabama and Florida in a bid to resolve a tussle among the three states over water use during a drought.

The states will also work on a fresh plan for the corps on how to respond to the drought, U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne told a news conference that followed a meeting among the governors of the three southeastern states.

[ cf Southeastern US states make fresh plan for drought ]
Hum.... U.S. Army Corp of Engineers????

Not quite the right folks to be working on a problem that is CLEARLY something well within the Department of Homeland Sacred Faith Based Divine Defense Against The Godless Heathens.

Makes me wonder what sort of liberals are running loose out east there in what is clearly God's Divinely Judged Land of Demonic Possession and God Hating America Bashers....

Now do not get me wrong here folks, when people have Offended God, the one true and only god, the God of Reverend Phelps, that this one True and ONLY God has caused a draught, you would think these folks would fall on their Knees before the Most Holy Blessed Virgin HanoiAnnie Coulter and beseeched her to intercede for them that there may be prosperity restored to the land.

Clearly calling in some Engineer Guys is way tooo close to openly Capitulating To Science...
Tags: religion

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