On the October 31 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity claimed that "Halloween is a liberal holiday" and "is teaching our kids to be liberals." Hannity explained that "we're teaching kids to knock on other people's doors and ask for a handout." Co-host Alan Colmes responded by asking if that meant that Christmas is a "liberal holiday." Colmes asserted that Halloween represents "the act of giving," and asked: "Isn't that a Christian thing, to give, to share with your community?" Hannity replied: "Not to teach your kids to beg for a handout."WOW!!!
[ cf Hannity channels The Onion? Claims "liberal" Halloween "teach[es] kids to knock on other people's doors and ask for a handout" ]
HEY KIDS, Do NOT do that evil Liberal Halloweening!!!!
Learn to be a patriotic american and get those No Bid Contracts, with Graft GraftOnBits, as a part of over all enhanced and improved pro-active lobbying action Figures!!!!
Yeah, that is so what they should be doing....