drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Thank GOD it is not satanism, or chanting "god wants more dead soldiers"

Yeah, the real reason to stop the Evil Liberal Halloween is
On the October 31 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity claimed that "Halloween is a liberal holiday" and "is teaching our kids to be liberals." Hannity explained that "we're teaching kids to knock on other people's doors and ask for a handout." Co-host Alan Colmes responded by asking if that meant that Christmas is a "liberal holiday." Colmes asserted that Halloween represents "the act of giving," and asked: "Isn't that a Christian thing, to give, to share with your community?" Hannity replied: "Not to teach your kids to beg for a handout."
[ cf Hannity channels The Onion? Claims "liberal" Halloween "teach[es] kids to knock on other people's doors and ask for a handout" ]

HEY KIDS, Do NOT do that evil Liberal Halloweening!!!!

Learn to be a patriotic american and get those No Bid Contracts, with Graft GraftOnBits, as a part of over all enhanced and improved pro-active lobbying action Figures!!!!

Yeah, that is so what they should be doing....
Tags: religion

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