Oh ME!!! Oh MY!!!!
Would this be a bad time to point out that early on the NeoCons were able to oust traditional american conservatives from The American Conservative, and gosh, now they have to deal with such Stab In The Back defections to the, well, gosh, American Way Of Life.
Oh ME!!! Oh MY!!!!
There could be a way to differenciate between those of us who are actual conservatives, and the dope smoking draft dodging God Hating America Bashing Phoney Civilians who want to play act that they are not only civilians, when it is expedient, and that they are conservatives, when it is politically expedient.
Are YOU doing YOUR part to end the Civilian Society and the Civilian Government so that we are all ready to totally win the Totalist Success that comes from Totalizing Victory Through Totality!!!
Strength Through Joy!!!!
Anything Less and the Phoney Civilians WIN!!!