drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Speaking of Torture....

When the President says things along the lines that the US does not Torture. Is that proposition to be held as truthier as when he told the Polish Press that we had found the WMD's in Iraq - and 63% of americans actually believed him.

Or is this a new TruthierNeff position, where as long as we know what he meant to say, we would know that it was within which ever bounds of his means mostly as truthier as he could say he meant it to be...

Or is he simply making another one of those Blessed Most Holy Virgin HanoiAnnie Coulter little Jokes, you know, just funning folks, because, well of course everyone considers Torture Fun!!!!

Ah yes, once upon a time I was trying to get an american to wrap his little pointy head around the problem and I learned the american way of coping with Torture:
But I do not have to worry about the government torturing my daughter.
I do not have a daughter....
Americans, you just have to love them, they are such fun folks.
Tags: torture, war, warcrimes

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