Idaho Sen. Larry Craig defiantly vowed to serve out his term in office on Thursday despite losing a court attempt to rescind his guilty plea in a men's room sex sting.Would this be an absurd time to talk about the religion of 'term limits' that was once the dahling of the Contract On America Crowd, and how this would not be a problem if the state of Idaho had been prevented from having this Moral Reprobate In the Senate after the first term......
``I have seen that it is possible for me to work here effectively,'' Craig said in a written statement certain to disappoint fellow Republicans who have long urged him to step down.
Craig had earlier announced he would resign his seat by Sept. 30, but had wavered when he went to court in hopes of withdrawing his plea.
The third-term lawmaker issued his statement not long after Idaho Gov. C.L. ``Butch'' Otter relayed word he has selected a replacement for Craig in the event of a resignation.
[ cf Craig Vows to Stay in Senate ]
Or should we skip over that part of the folly and go for which ever is the defining line that separates the Patriotic Valiant Holy And Religious Crusade Against the Radical Black Robed Judicial Tyrannts, and the Sinister and Demonic Liberals, and their Fellow Underlings of the Cloven Hoofed Minnions of their Peking Paymasters.
You know, to keep America, American!!!!