Summary: On Hannity & Colmes, discussing Rush Limbaugh's recent characterization of service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers," Melanie Morgan asserted: "A number of soldiers who are fake or who are embellishers or who are posers, who go out there -- or soldiers like Jon Soltz of [sic], who go out there and use their far-left, anti-American agenda, political agenda to undermine the real mission of our troops, our heroes who are out there, who are fighting in a hot war, who are fighting for our lives and for our security and safety."Show of hands there kids, what exactly was the Mission In Iraq???
[ cf Melanie Morgan: Iraq war vet Soltz "undermin[ing] the real mission of our troops ] >]
No Honestly, can you really say you know that there was a mission in iraq???