drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

How Many Billions For A Private Hunting Ground???

Hey kids, when you notice
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has asked Congress to approve nearly $190 billion more in funding for the military missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. He made his request at Senate Appropriations Committee hearing Wednesday, as VOA's Deborah Tate reports from Capitol Hill.
[ cf Gates Seeks $190 Billion More for Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan ]
Don't you want to know why the folks at BlackWater Army, and the rest of the sporting types who like to get out there and Kill, Maim, Torture, and generally slaughter civilians, have to look for a government welfare hand out to get their Freak On????

I mean what happened to all that mythos about the Rugged Individualists???

You know, you can rip my hand crank telephone, which I use to give eletrical shocks to the genitals of folks who may have information, or something else I want, from my cold Dead Hands....

Wasn't there some sort of NTA, the National Torturers Association that was so trying to show that their sport was also protected under the National Right To Have A Killing Machine For Jesus....

Ah yes....

And still we keep on waiting for all of those war heroes to be the ones to fix the DOD so that it will be the very killing machine they believe it can be...
Tags: war

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