drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

What Will Stop The Satanists???

I mean sometimes folks REALLY should not be flaunting their bedfellows in public like this
The strange case of Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig is about to take another interesting turn. Craig is getting support today from what many might consider to be an unlikely ally the American Civil Liberties Union.

Craig was arrested in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport in June and pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct last month.

"We believe the sting operation used to apprehend Mr. Craig was unconstitutional. The statute the government is relying upon makes it a crime to use certain offensive words," said Anthony Romero, the executive director of the ACLU.

[ cf ACLU Backs Sen. Larry Craig ]
That's Not Right....

I mean, your type just are too disgusting for words!!!! Take that Stuff back into the Closet where it belongs!!!!

All TRUE americans are so past that whole failed liberal constitutional stuff, especially now that we have the Holy Trilogy of War President, War Czar and Praetor Petreaus!!!!!
Tags: religion, they_did_what, war

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